Start a Huddle

We are in the business of training leaders to make disciples. We believe that together, we can change the culture of every school through the leadership of coaches and athletes.

Want to start a Huddle?

How to Start a Huddle:

Ready to learn more about impacting your campus for Christ? As you all meet in your Huddles, there is a lot of freedom

in how you use your time! However there are a few things that are crucial to the success of your Huddle:

Gather a Starting Five

Contact FCA Staff

Run the Play

Gather a Starting Five

  1. SALT Coach
  2. SALT Leaders

  3. Church Partner

  4. Huddle Coach

  5. FCA Staff

  6th Man   Praying Parents

Once you have gathered your Starting Five, you should meet to complete your leadership applications together,

discuss the vision and structure for your Huddle, become familiar with Centralized Messaging  and pray.

Every Huddle must have all adult leaders complete a Ministry Leader Application (MLA) and complete the E3 online discipleship training and SALT Leaders complete a SALT Application Form. 

Contact FCA Staff

We want to engage, equip, empower and certify your Huddle as officially part of FCA's ministry.

Scroll through our Areas page to find your local contact.

Run the Play

Every time you gather, your Huddle should:

Get in the Bible Together

At every Huddle, we should be in the Word, examining a verse, a story

or a passage.

Pray Together

Huddles get the opportunity to stand and support each other as we go through life.

Keep it Athletic

FCA is not just another Bible Study or Youth Group - it's specifically for athletes and everything we do should relate back to sports.

We would love to support your new Huddle!

Head over to the Huddle Resources page for more information.

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